We are pleased to announce the 2022 International Symposium “A Journey of Life in the Multi-polar Age: A New Milestone of the Lateral World ” as part of the “US-Kagoshima-Asia Triad Program in a Multi-polar World Inter-University Exchange Project” to be held on December 3, 2022.
From Kagoshima to the world.
Kagoshima University has been promoting international collaboration with 18 partner universities in the U.S. and Asia since FY2018 as part of the “Project for Strengthening Global Development Capabilities: Supporting the Formation of Inter-University Exchange with the U.S. Utilizing COIL-type Education”. This year’s symposium, the final year of the project, will look back over the past five years and consider the path we will take in the future from the perspective of connecting the regional and the global.
If you would like to participate in this event please click on this link : ONLINE REGISTRATION .
Or use the links and QR code on the poster below.